Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Dozen Tips to Trump Your TV Interview

Congratulations! You’re scheduled to be interviewed on television. Way to go! To help assure your appearance gets raves rather than regrets, heed these dozen tips I’ve gathered for you.

1. Before the big day, ask the TV producer when the show will be aired. This way, you can announce it on your social media pages and gather a ready audience for your spot.

2. Oftimes, the TV station will post your website on their own site. So be prepared. On the back of your business card repeat the address in bold letters. Hand it to the producer when you arrive. He/she will likely appreciate your preparedness.

3. If you have props, practice often prior to the interview. You don’t want to fumble or waste the time slot by trying to figure out how to work something while on camera.

4. Write down and practice key points you want to include in your 15 minutes (likely 3) of fame. Don't lose the opportunity to get your message across.

5. Think of examples that can make your delivery personal. Your audience can better relate to your message if there are stories attached. For example, “when I was working with a client, we had to solve this issue...”

6. Ask a friend to interview you. If you can tape this faux session, all the better. Then you can spot an over abundance of "ums" and "likes" in your delivery.

7. Watch TV interview shows similar to the one you'll be on. Take notes on what works and what flunks.

8. Dress comfortably. This is not the time to wear new shoes or new clothing unless you've tried them on and they allow you to feel like yourself.

9. Get out of your own way. Despite all of the above guidelines, remember to have fun. Don’t overdue the stress level if you can help it.

10. On the big day, make eye contact with your interviewer, not the camera. You need to see her/his reaction to your words.

11. Sit forward in your chair to look like you're engaged. No slumping or sitting rigid.

12. When it's all over, no matter your performance, send a thank you note to the producer and interviewer. Snail mail, rather than e-mail will make a better impression.

Now, knock 'em dead!

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